Ellie Eats Educated

I guess I have been living under a rock all of my life, because whenever I get ears of corn, I spend forever trying to peel off all of the silk and clean them. Then I do the typical boil in water.

So when I decided to finally cook up the ears of corn I purchased at the farmer’s market, something possessed me to look up how to oven bake corn. And holy moly! I will never go back to boiling corn, EVER!

It couldn’t be more simple.

1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

2. Place ears of corn, husks and all, on a baking sheet (or directly on the rack, but I didn’t want to risk my silk catching fire!)

corn 1

3. Bake ears of corn for 30 minutes.

corn 2

Ignore that one corn, I had already shucked one corn before I decided to look up oven baked, so I…

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